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Our 14th Semi-Annual Blood Drive will take place at Goodwood Library on Saturday, November 16th, from 12:00pm to 6:00pm, insha’Allah.
Saturday, November 16th, 2019, 12-6 pm, Goodwood Library, 7711 Goodwood Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Us Salaamu Alaykum, brothers and sisters of Islamic Community of Baton Rouge,
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Us salaatu us salaamu a’layka a’la rasoolihil kareem.
Insha Allah, the Islamic Center of Baton Rouge (icbrsite.org) will organize its’ 14th semi-annual Community Blood Drive on this Saturday, November 16th, 2019, between 12 pm-6 pm, at Goodwood Library, 7711 Goodwood Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70806 in partnership with LSU Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) and ICNA and Our Lady of the Lake.
Prayer time at Masjid Al Rahman will be: Zohr (1:00 pm), Asr (3:30 pm), Magrib (5:14 pm). Please come around any of these salah times, pray with Jama’h (earn 27 times hasanah), and then screen for blood donations. Even if someone does not qualify for donation, he/she will InshaAllah get meals. There will also be a raffle draw for the donors to win 10 gift cards ($10 each).
To get the blessings/hasanah for good deeds (a’mle saleh) from Allah SWT, to give dawah (outreach), and to give back to the general community, ICBR has been organizing Community Blood Donation Drives since 2011.
May Allah put barakah in our efforts, accept our deeds, forgive our shortcomings, and keep us all united. Aameen.
Please view the flyer for more information.